
Panama by Nathaniel Harrington

Just got back from a 10 day trip down to the Pacific Coast of Panama along with my wife Tatum and Brock Taylor. The trip was so adventurous and exciting. We pretty much went out to no-mans-land to score one of Brock's favorite waves. 

This is my first look at most of these images and I just wanted to get an update out there quick for family and friends. We're stacked on photos and video, so its going to be a while till the whole story comes out.


Stoked to share this first look.

Panama was so good to us. 

Home sweet home for ten days. We barely left that long, black sand beach for the majority of the ten days. 

Right out front of the beach house we stayed at. The shore break was epic all week. 


Brock charged so hard all week. Can't wait to share his good shots. 

The beach house was amazing as well as the housekeeper, Matt. He was our tour guide and surf buddy, could not have asked for more.  


The Last day in Panama City was short but a highlight of the trip! We wondered the streets for a few hours before heading home. Well worth our time. 

Again thanks for looking. I can't wait to show what we got. 

Gracias me amigos. 


-Nathaniel Harrington

Fluid Magazine. Cover #3 and El Nino Story. by Nathaniel Harrington

Its a great day when you get the notification that you have one more cover in the bag. Today I landed my third cover, second this month(#2 story coming soon).

Matthew Glenn and I linked up on a few decent barrels down south this past February where we got this shot now featured as page #1 in Fluid Magazine.  Its an honor and a privilege, so stoked! 

Make sure to flip over to the El Nino story to check out several more of my shots including some of Daniel Glenn, Tommy Coleman, and a beautiful empty barrel shot to kick it off. 

Again Thanks Fluid Mag and Matthew! 

The Barrel Post. by Nathaniel Harrington

We've had a few proper days in what seem to me to be an extremely slow winter. But, the days we have had are some really good days. 

About a week ago we had an amazing south swell pop up. It wasn't huge, but the shape was perfect. There's been claims by many that this was the best barrel day of their lives. Well, take a look and decide if you think it would have been fun. 

Waking up to Central Florida blessings. 

not huge, but very playful. 

I think a lot of people had their eyes locked onto views like this. 

Brock Taylor on the hunt. 

Chauncey Robinson. 

 I wasn't able to swim long, the current was gnarly but the views were epic. 

Unknown to me in left hand drainer. 

Matthew Glenn. 

Brandon DeFillipo. 

Matthew freaked these pelicans out. 

I had to give up on swimming, just wan't getting the results I wanted. So I headed into the beach to shoot lifestyles of the Chaun. 

Epic running lifey. 

The views from the beach weren't to bad, so i stuck around to snipe off a few. 

Daniel Glenn came to play. 

Daniel Glenn. A guy walked by me and commented, "why would you do an air instead of get barreled??". I would say why not do a big air over a barrel section, seems fun to me! 

Matthew Glenn, little chopper. 

It was a-frames and offshores. Great job Florida. 

Brock Taylor practicing barrel rides for an upcoming trip to Central America. 

Daniel and Brock working together to gain scale on wave hight and air hight. 

Mike Knapp logged serious barrel time. 

Give Daniel Glenn some steep sections and watch him explode. 

Every time I looked, Mike Knapp getting pitted. 

My buddy Kieth said he made more barrels this day than any other time he can remember. 

Daniel, seriously. 


Brandon DeFillipo tearing in on his backhand. 


Senior Brock. He's always out to have a good time. 


Really good surf. 

Where were you!!? 

Seriously.. that right. 


Another of Kieth. 

I've been fishing with Chris Yergans a lot lately and I can tell you both his surfing and fishing are on point. 

Not sure who this gentleman is, but i'm pretty sure he would be stoked to see this sequence. If you know him let him know! 

Scenic Florida. 

Another unknown to me reaping the benefits of a good wind swell. 

Yergans catching barrels like they're snook. 

This guy is stoked. 


Mike Knapp pretending he's still in Hawaii. 

Where were you Volume 2. 

The Chaun. Forever known as, The Chaun. 

Brandon DeFillipo almost able to stand up, and he's a big kid. 

Matthew Glenn packed up a few lefts. 

Matthew Glenn packed up a few lefts. 

Another unknown gliding through some clean barrel space. 

Looking into the hunny hole. 

Chris Yergans on this like a redfish in the mangroves. 

Yergans new approach to barrel riding. 


Daniel Glenn kinda made the surf pay, hacking it to pieces. 


Sorry about a ton of lame captions and non-sense. Its hard to spend this much time at a computer. :/

I hope you scored this day! If you know people in these photos please feel free to share this post with them. I'm sure they will be grateful. 

Thanks for all the good times boys. 

-Nathaniel Harrington



Winter Storm Mars, Peaking in DelRay, Florida. by Nathaniel Harrington

I've never been more impressed with a swell in Florida. Winter Storm Mars really was out there, off the charts to be honest and I don't think a single person in FL was ready for it. 

After a morning of crazy barrels a little north we made the call to cruise towards DelRay and take a look at it. It didn't take long for Chauncey Robinson, Brock Taylor, and Blake Spier to gear up and paddle out. We contemplated a few times from the early afternoon session if we should look for a different spot, but the longer we stayed in DelRay the better it looked. What it came down to was we were staying to score some of the best surf Florida has ever seen. It may not have been the biggest swell, but it sure was perfect, and still big. 

Here's a "few" highlights from that evening. 

Peaking over the hedges to see barrels peeling off. 

Usually all you can see from right here is Blue water until the Bahamas. On this day the 30ft + gulf stream was blocking that view.

Welcome to South Florida. Land of the pumping surf. 

Brock Taylor having a glance at some mighty appealing conditions. 

This trips me out. why you say? well, figure it out. 

Afternoon wasn't looking to bad, i can't believe we almost left. 

Chauncey Robinson packing a nice ride, In trunks, in February.  

Uknown to me in the spot with a great line in front of him. 

Ah, Florida? Is that you? 

Confounded Exhibit B. I mean, really? Isn't the defining noise coming from that wave behind you getting your attention at all? Whaaa.... 

This is the point where most surfers take off running to get into the water while tripping over their leash. 

Tommy Coleman was really loving being a goofy footer out there. He was barreled, came out and did an air reverse which he did ride away from. That pole got in my way. 

If Chauncey isn't getting barreled by the wave then he's ripping its face off. 

There was a gnarly current so everyone had a few chances to take a stroll back up the beach. Not a bad thing when this is what you are seeing. 

1 of 2 looking in the right direction isn't half bad. 

I'm sure that paddle was exhausting. This guy taking a break before that train hits him. 

Another unknown getting slotted. Someone tell me who this is please. 

You know your a surfer when your absolutely confounded that no one on the beach in this photo seems to care even the slightest that there is absolutely perfect surf happening. 

I mean, why watch anyways? its just the beach and your just at the ocean where people are catching the best surf we've had yet this or or in many years... I guess the sea grass is beautiful. 

Watching these sets roll in from miles away was pretty cool, at least I thought so. However these people strategically placed there shade canopy as an anti-surf canopy. 

Rolling through.... 

that guy is on it. 

What's your line? 

Tommy Coleman has logged some serious time in Hawaii and it really showed during this swell. 13 year old grom charging this playground. 

Tommy soaking that view in. 

Another perfect left hander, unknown to me with a south florida shack attack. 

Robbie Goodwin. 

I shot so many empty barrels. I only wish I would have shot every one of them. 

This is one of many surfers I was trying to find to get him his shots. Thats the type of barrel people travel thousands of miles to find, he found it at home this time. Marc Brammeier on a bomb. 

Long Boarder out the back. 

Another unknown to me relaxing his stance and letting the wave do the work. 

(Sigh) that's nice. 

Wish you were there. 

Rainbows aren't just for the sky. There also a sign for really really good surf. 

One of my favorite empty's from the day. That is one meaty barrel. 

I nicknamed this one the "ghosts" because they're going to vanish and not be seen for a while. 

I was standing a few feet from Jeff Biege when he shot his Line-Up Shot just a moment after this frame. We were both in awe, glanced at each other "is this real".

I think this was the absolute peaking moment of the swell. No takers, everyone was just a little to deep. She bombed away with no rebuttal. 

Get back out there brah. 

Here Martin Jeri got one of the largest surfed waves of the evening. Yet for this guy this is like chest high, look at what Martin does for fun sometime.... wow. 

It was head high... 

Martin jeri trying to slam on the brakes, double handed wall grab, anything to get him positioned in that next section, and he did. 

I may have to do another blog post of the sequences from these rides. Its pretty amazing and its also a ton of photos to work with which is why I'm not showing that yet. :/

Crack it. 

This is Chauncey Robinson on another amazing ride. For example this was a 18 frame sequence, 10 of those frames Chauncey is completely behind the curtain. 

Asher Nolan showed up and blew it up. One of my frames that landed a spot in Surfline's update of the swell. 

This guy was ripping, but i haven't found anyone who knows him. Just poppin a casual straight air in the reform. 

Martin Jeri on yet another bomber. 

I first met Matt Oberman on a very similar wave in Nicaragua called Colorados, he was doing the same thing there as he is here. 

Another Asher Nolan turn. 

Tommy Boo Boo playing Peak-a-Boo. 

Asher Nolan really tucked away. 

that will happen. He went straight to his quiver and was back out there. Tommy is a charger. 

Good Night Florida. We all hope to see this again soon, please. 

After a long day of work the tools should be examined and properly taken care of. These kids know it well. A few broken boards, sore muscles, stories that will last them a lifetime... Mars really was from another place. 

Shoots. Thanks for ingesting all of that. My fingers are pretty tuckered out from the typing, so have a good evening and thanks for looking at my blog. Please do share. 

-Nathaniel Harrington


South Florida Sand Bars. by Nathaniel Harrington

South Florida saw some of the best swell people can remember. Monday turned out to be an absolute glory day for surfers in the sunshine state as a huge 'nor easter pulsed swell our way. 

I'll do feature on the swell once the mags get done running content. Until then check out this image I got of Matthew Glenn in a very thick sand dredger. This surf was not for the faint of heart. 

Featured at


Hope you scored as well. 

-Nathaniel Harrington

South Florida Blues. by Nathaniel Harrington

A few weeks ago Florida finally got its first real winter swell. The forecast looked a little sketchy and the winds looked like they could be fickle, but as the sun came up on this Thursday Morning it proved to be one of the best day's I've seen in Florida. 

After a long foggy drive down south the rising sun showed us the first signs of just how nice of a day we were about to enjoy. 

This guy is for sure dreaming about getting spit out of that barrel. 

Water & Light. 

Kenny Saundry stoked that he's a goofy footer. 

when Chauncey Robinson isn't getting barreled he's hacking the top of waves. 

Thats as good as it gets. 

Chauncey getting some pig doggin practice in. 

Above: Chauncey Robinson was in the right spot for probably the best wave I have ever seen in Florida. No doubt a perfect 10. 

What if it looked like this daily... 

Close out hacks. 

The drift was pretty strong, so the surfers took lefts for a mile or so and then made the walk back up the beach to do it again. The view got the stoke flowing strong. 

Above: I met this surfer, Michael Turdo, right after this barrel ride. He came walking out of the water grinning ear to ear. 

Michael Turdo finding some blue blue gems out there! 

Michael Turdo finding some blue blue gems out there! 

Above: Robbie McCormick was another favorite to watch. Most of the barrels I saw him get were below sea level and very difficult to shoot. Glad this angle and sequence worked out to show what kind of day he was having. 

Robbie McCormick hacking away. 

Eddie Wierback had his fair share of blue gems as well. 

I think this guy is stoked. 

below sea level blue barrels. South Florida. Sweet. 

The only thing that could have made the day better, a coconut tree. Chaunchoo grabbing some hydration.

Hows that peeling left in the background? 

Pure Stoke. 

And some dreamy ones to now dream about, enjoy. 

She's dreaming... 

Wow. Just wow. 

That was a pretty solid day, can't wait for a repeat and some water angles the next time. (My SPL was getting some repairs done)

Thanks for surfing guys, 

-Nathaniel Harrington

Social Handles: @trustthebum @salty-crew @chaunchoo @natehphoto @visslasurf @specialed321 @kennysaundry @michaelturdo @robbie.mccormick