
CNY on the Fly by Nathaniel Harrington

Hey, Welcome to Vero Beach, Fl!

Wanna get tight? book a charter with legendary captain Chris Yergans.

It’s been a fun season of collecting promotional video for Captn Chris. He really knows where to find the fish you’re looking for. Hired by fishing tv hosts and a countless amount of clients over the years his consistency and reputation continue to swell. I’ve learned so much the past few months I feel like I could also now be a fishing guide! Na i’ll leave that up to the pro.

Here’s a little teaser of a 31” snook we filmed. This was within slot and we were itching for a great dinner so it went into the live well of the 18’ maverick.

If that looks fun and you want in on it, book a charter with Chris. His Site HERE.

thank you all.


Sebastian Inlet from the Pier. by Nathaniel Harrington

The other day at Sebastian Inlet i wanted to shoot from the pier, a perspective that I hadn't shot before. It seemed like a pretty good day for it, fair weather and a south wind, and the pier wasn't full of fishermen giving me a little room to move around. 

I shot these angles and am pretty happy with them! We watched a monster snook get pulled in, and enjoyed the bloody mess that the pier can be when fish are being caught. 

Enjoy the photos, 

A short Instagram edit I made inspired by the snook. 

Lively up there... River had a blast running around, chasing birds, and checking out people's fish. 

I briefly moved down to the beach in time to get brock Taylor on a big cutty. Then finished the day with Zoe and Andrew. 

Always Fun. 

Thanks for checking out the blog and enjoy the rest of my site. 

-Nathaniel Harrington

Early Surf & Dive. by Nathaniel Harrington

Winds: 0mph

Surf: 1-2ft

Sounds good to me! 

Here's some shots from this mornings adventures! I found some fish including a school of Snook, a couple Nurse Sharks, Stingrays, and lots of reef fish. The visibility was still only a few feet, but that'll work for me. It's just good to be out there. 

Morning Motion. 

Another blury cave. 

I love getting into the water early to watch the day begin! 

Big Snook! 

Here's a little nurse shark I found close to shore. This is the first Nurse Shark I have ever swam with! Really stoked to see her this morning! 

And I saw this Nurse Shark's tail sticking out from under the ledge. I dove down to find that she was pretty big! I would say close to six feet or so. 

Reef fish in the structure. /;

Soo Fun! 

It's always good to see life on the reefs! 

Thanks for checking the Blog and I hope you have a great weekend! 

-Nathaniel Harrington